
I'm pleased to share an essay, Ugly, that is currently in the in-House (an online magazine for medical residents and fellows) Social Medicine theme issue. I wrote it way back in med school and have by turns mulled it over, completely restructured it, and ignored it for various periods of time over the past eight years. …

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Oopses, Gaffes, and Other Opportunities for Learning: A Guide for July

July 1 is upon us again: that New Year celebrated only by those in the medical field. When medical students begin as doctors, interns become residents, residents become fellows, and basically everyone in every position is one year less experienced at it than the person who held that position the day before. This July 1 …

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Lessons in Medicine from the Car Dealership

Midway through my residency, my husband and I purchased a new car. The old one, a well-traveled and well-loved 1999 Toyota, had become a bit of a money pit, so rather than trying to sell it or trade it in at the dealership, we decided to donate it. As we sat with the salesperson reviewing …

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